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#26 Toaster Dude

Toaster Dude
  • PipPip

Posted 30 June 2009 - 08:57 AM

Thank you for a great and useful class. I learnt a lot and enjoyed it. I was going to mention about the scanner too but since it is covered in another seminar than it is perfectly fine by me. I have a question in regards to the bookmarks. When reading the class materials I noticed recon bookmarks mentioned. I kind of expected to be given some and to work them into what we were doing. So the question is what is the benefit of the recon bookmark above the standard tactical one? |R> Harroule 00 @90km Harroule 01 @300km 93pi-m % g-m4i8 @1500 <| |> 93pi-m % (III) @800 <| |> 93pi-m % ABOVE @100 <| |> 93pi-m % ABOVE @300 <| I can see the possibility to use pair with recon BMs but I don't see what benefit would it bring to me. Could you please explain this to me? I believe that it has its reason and I would like to learn it. Thanks a lot.
[link=http://www.agony-unleashed.com//e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?106169]BASIC - 170120091500[/link]

#27 Baka Lakadaka

Baka Lakadaka

Posted 30 June 2009 - 10:27 AM

Thank you for a great and useful class. I learnt a lot and enjoyed it. I was going to mention about the scanner too but since it is covered in another seminar than it is perfectly fine by me.

I have a question in regards to the bookmarks. When reading the class materials I noticed recon bookmarks mentioned. I kind of expected to be given some and to work them into what we were doing. So the question is what is the benefit of the recon bookmark above the standard tactical one?

|R> Harroule 00 @90km
This BM is 90km from the Harroule gate. It will have a paired BM:

|R> Harroule 01 @300km

|> 93pi-m % g-m4i8 @1500 <|
|> 93pi-m % (III) @800 <|
|> 93pi-m % ABOVE @100 <|
|> 93pi-m % ABOVE @300 <|

I can see the possibility to use pair with recon BMs but I don't see what benefit would it bring to me. Could you please explain this to me? I believe that it has its reason and I would like to learn it.

Thanks a lot.

The quick and easy Recon Bookmark explanation is:

They are unaligned to anything to prevent people warping into you and de-cloaking you - if you align your bookmark to another object, then someone else warping from that object may land near enough to de-cloak you.

They are in pairs because the far one is far enough from the gate to prevent you from being dragged in to drag bubbles in 99% of cases - you'd have to be unlucky. You can then take a look at the gate before warping down to the near one. The near one allows you to get in close enough to observe the action on the gate. When it comes time to go through the gate you warp to the far one, then directly to the gate.
Posted Image

#28 Jev


Posted 30 June 2009 - 11:00 AM

Interesting discussion. Congrats Jaepee, you are a fine instructor. On reflection maybe smaller classes isn't such a good idea, but spinning off probing into a separate seminar may be the way to go - At a guess, more people would be interested in basic probing tuition than specialized covops piloting, so that might meet the needs of students with better granularity and solve the time problem at once. And I support the idea of practical exercises for gatecamp evasion and warp-ins.

#29 muffcobb


Posted 30 June 2009 - 02:55 PM

Over the head and through the woods to grandmothers house we go!!!! :P I will try really hard not to misspell a single word in my post next time.....
[link=http://www.agony-unleashed.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?99084]BASIC - 0612082100[/link]
[link=http://www.agony-unleashed.com//e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?113601]WOLFPACKS - 2802091800[/link]
[link=http://www.agony-unleashed.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?116729]ADVANCED - 0404091800[/link]
[link=http://www.agony-unleashed.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?123086]COVOPS - 1804090001[/link]
[link=http://www.agony-unleashed.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?162904]FC BASIC-20091114[/link]
[link=http://www.agony-unleashed.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?195531.0]ADVANCED HSSR -0805102300[/link]

#30 Jaepee Dee

Jaepee Dee

Posted 30 June 2009 - 09:18 PM

Thanks a lot, guys, for all of your thoughtful feedback. I think I want to make some pretty big changes next time, much of it in response to the good points you've made. Some of the changes are simple, like not trying to cram all of that into such a short time - I tried to cut back the 4.5 hours in Baka's original curriculum and it didn't work. Some of the other issues are just difficult like trying to balance theory and lecture with practice; both are valuable and there's never going to be enough time to give enough attention to both. Another hard problem is balancing the basics with the more advanced stuff and here I think some people's preferences will vary and it just won't be possible to satisfy everyone. One way to split the difference there is to rely more heavily on written materials and simply expect advanced students to absorb the reading in advance. We could even send a pm to students advising them that much of the written material will be assumed in the lecture. Also we may be adding more written materials to the class, so next time you see a covops class advertised, check to see if there are any documents you haven't read before (you'll have access).

This was Jaepee's first class as a CovOps instructor and I'm very pleased to announce that he's been awarded the Covert Operations Instructor Certification

Thanks, Baka! I actually hadn't expected this.

#31 ROX Genghis

ROX Genghis

Posted 30 June 2009 - 09:37 PM

Idea for tuna: start COVOPS an hour before WOLFPACKS to provide an extra 40 minutes of class/practice time and an extra 20 minutes of roam prep/coordination/pre-positioning. Also, feed the tuna mayonnaise.

#32 Carver


Posted 01 August 2009 - 03:29 PM

Reading this was great - I was curious how these were run. Def. need to try to get in next time.
<18:28:33> "[AGONY] Carver" was removed from server group "Super Admin" by "[AGONY] Carver".