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Preparing for PvP BASIC (killing time)

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#26 Kosi Congar

Kosi Congar
  • Pip

Posted 05 October 2008 - 05:18 AM

Interesting tx .. I will look into it

#27 Xalorous

  • PipPip

Posted 21 November 2008 - 11:15 PM

I certainly wouldn't recommend going to 0.0 with as low SP as you have, not without the backing of an active corp with nice alliances to keep you 'safe'...

Since you sound keen on pvp and not so much missioning/mining/etc. I'd suggest you set up a 'mining' cruiser for pvp in low sec and try to snag some targets, they can get a decent tank and dps, and if you include a web and scram you're set...Tons of small low sec bubbles all over, with 1-3 low sec systems connected, but surrounded by high sec...They usually have some pirates lurking around for easy carebar targets, ppl who try a fast mission or ratting in low sec cause they think it's worth it (it's not)...Pirates like that often fly solo as the amounts of targets in their little bubble tends to be rather low and easy to handle, you could give them a nasty surprise...'Oh look a cruiser mining, an easy kill....What the frag..? He's got me webbed and with a point on me..!?' *boom* (one of you anyway) ;-)

You might also consider taking a month or two to build up your char, just a little bit further, while missioning and salvaging more funds as you WILL lose your ships...But a cruiser which is insured, rarely costs you more than 1 million isk if you go with only T1 named (2nd to 3rd best named)...

Yada yada learning skills = basics to lv 4 and advanced to lv 3, all except charisma stats which you rarely need for pvp (but which is nice for missioning)...

A low SP pilot can easily thrive in 0.0, if backed by that active corp or alliance.
1. Must join a corp that is either part of an alliance that holds space or at least has an agreement to use certain systems. Also the area you are in needs to either have a decent market, be near a decent market, or you need to have manufacturing guys in the corp/alliance to supply you with cheap ships, or you need to learn to build them yourself.
2. Must not cry at losing ships, always fit t1 looted items and ALWAYS insure ships. You will lose ships. You will lose a lot of ships. Do not buy one ship at a time, buy two or three or more. Rat loot is your friend. Keep the modules you need for your ships, recycle the rest and make more ships or ammo. Make sure you always have a replacement ship fitted in your hangar. When you're down to one ship, it's time to start getting another one together. If you don't build ships, budget your wallet so that you keep enough to buy two of the current ship you're flying.
3. Train for Jumpclones and put one in highsec for training purposes.
4. CHECK YOUR CLONE AND SHIP INSURANCE EVERY TIME YOU UNDOCK. I've done it twice. When you lose half of a [race] Cruisers V or [race] Battleship V skill you will cry. Grown men. Crying.

Low sec can be the MOST dangerous part of space, especially for low SP pilots, since the pirates who operate there know the mechanics of pirating and the low SP pilot often does not. Also, your average mining cruiser can't survive gate guns for more than 1 or 2 salvo's at best.

Personally, I did my first 18 months in lowsec, but I was in an out of the way corner and had a fairly active corp.

I guess what I want to get across is that each type of space has its advantages and disadvantages. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something. And if you go to lowsec, increase that ship replacement budget by 25-50%.