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Poll: WOuld you want it. (53 member(s) have cast votes)

Would you sign up for it

  1. Yes - I'm up for it. (52 votes [98.11%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 98.11%

  2. No - Not for me. (1 votes [1.89%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 1.89%

  3. Couldn't care (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%


#26 Agnes Nitt

Agnes Nitt

Posted 27 October 2011 - 09:23 AM

Great idea. Since PvP in my corp is slow these days I would definitely like to be part of this roams. I can fly only T2 frigs right now so I can only step up for roles that T2 frig is enough.

#27 Caldak


Posted 27 October 2011 - 09:43 AM

The post was for the scope of ships we could use, always room for T1 tackle. Yes please get a clone if you can and we then can swap between regions at a drop of the hat :mellow: Going to get in started, aiming at 50 as the core. Getting post up tomorrow some time when I'm back from work.

Anne Bonney, a notorious pirate in her own right, told her husband, Calico Jack Bonney, as he was captured by pirate hunters,
“if you'd have fought like a man you needn't hang like a dog”.

Done some class's

#28 John McGuirk

John McGuirk

Posted 27 October 2011 - 10:07 AM

Count me as 75 % in. That's 100% enthusiasm but 3/4 the time (or else it'll start eating into my Agony class time...)

#29 Othran


Posted 27 October 2011 - 10:10 AM

Great idea. Since PvP in my corp is slow these days I would definitely like to be part of this roams.
I can fly only T2 frigs right now so I can only step up for roles that T2 frig is enough.

Heh one of my alts is named from the same books.
Today's word is :

MORAL, adj. Conforming to a local and mutable standard of right. Having the quality of general expediency.

#30 Stephan Fisher

Stephan Fisher
  • PipPip

Posted 27 October 2011 - 11:26 AM

You can count me in.

#31 Agnes Nitt

Agnes Nitt

Posted 27 October 2011 - 12:14 PM

Great idea. Since PvP in my corp is slow these days I would definitely like to be part of this roams.
I can fly only T2 frigs right now so I can only step up for roles that T2 frig is enough.

Heh one of my alts is named from the same books.

All of my future alts will be named from the same books. :D

#32 Marvin


Posted 27 October 2011 - 01:31 PM

+1 for the bi-weekly alumni roam. Fun and good learning experience to fly with dedicated peeps and good FC.

Unless I understood it incorrectly it's not bi-weekly but once a month on the 2nd weekend of the month

#33 ROX Genghis

ROX Genghis

Posted 27 October 2011 - 01:56 PM

Count me in!

#34 Othran


Posted 27 October 2011 - 02:16 PM

If we can do jumpclones then as mentioned before we can go anywhere reasonably fast. Start having a little think about who might give us a fight/who we can give a deserved ganking to/whatever in the area you live in now. Maybe use your local knowledge to setup a few useful tacs (like insta-undocks), see what the locals are doing, start thinking about where would be a good station to dump stuff in so we can all meet up. Don't spend ages on it, just start thinking about where you live in those terms. This isn't class, it doesn't have to start from Stacmon - so we may as well go where the fun is that month. Edit - and bring some small standard cans for swapping tacs. Why are there NEVER any small cans when you need them? /me wanders back 15 jumps again :(
Today's word is :

MORAL, adj. Conforming to a local and mutable standard of right. Having the quality of general expediency.

#35 Malthus

  • PipPip

Posted 27 October 2011 - 03:02 PM

This sounds awesome I am definitely in.

#36 Freerunner


Posted 27 October 2011 - 05:15 PM

Jump Frog (a Red Frog affiliate) offers free jump clones. It also has offices all over EVE including at least one in every NPC nosec region, for those of you who know how to take advantage of self destruct clone travel. You can also put scouts in and have them hop around the universe looking for action.

#37 Othran


Posted 27 October 2011 - 05:48 PM

Jump Frog (a Red Frog affiliate) offers free jump clones.

It also has offices all over EVE including at least one in every NPC nosec region, for those of you who know how to take advantage of self destruct clone travel. You can also put scouts in and have them hop around the universe looking for action.

Yeah do remember Red and Black Frog for moving stuff as well. Black Frog deliver to low-sec and npc null-sec.
Today's word is :

MORAL, adj. Conforming to a local and mutable standard of right. Having the quality of general expediency.

#38 AkJon Ferguson

AkJon Ferguson

Posted 27 October 2011 - 05:52 PM

Needless to say I plan to attend in all likelihood. I'm not crazy about the jump clone idea. Setting a medical clone to somewhere in nullsec would be fine. Paying twice as much for fits/ships (if the module you want is available at all) to save a few hops doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me and would presumably result in fleets that are less well fit. (And most of us will be jump cloning at the very beginning of the roam anyway so it doesn't give you mid-roam flexibility it just lets you pick a different starting point.) I'd hope the primary goal of the roams would be to find and win good fights (while picking up the occasional gank and avoiding fights where we stand (virtually) no chance of winning,) not to learn while exploding into tiny bits. Obviously we won't have a 100% success rate, but if half the fleet (usually the half in t1 cruisers or smaller) is in drunken suicide mode and the other half is in 'let's prove ourselves at least somewhat competent at PVP' mode, there could be some cognitive dissonance. I'm happy to fly t1 battlecruisers or smaller if it's a kamikaze fleet. I'm happy to significantly up the shiny quotient if it's a fleet where the goal is to kill stuff and get out alive more often than not. As for 'stepping up' I sometimes get the sense that Caldak believes that there is a great FC in everyone. I don't share that view. To me it's a specialized task requiring a specialized skillset, not all of which can be acquired by experience alone. I am most happy in EVE when I am being led by a competent tactician and communicator and doing my gruntwork (be it shooting the primary, locking that bomber that decloaked, jamming those hurricanes or sending that guy to the clone vat) to the best of my ability with a minimum of distraction. Other, more 'fast-twitch' (usually younger) people who might excel at FPS or RTS games have other skills that lead them to enjoy other things. It's not a lack of a desire to contribute. It's the desire to contribute in a way best suited to one's temperament and abilities.
[link=http://www.agony-unleashed.com/index.php?/topic/11350-open-pvp-avanced-hssr-2300-15th-advanced-2100-for-16th-17th-july/]ADVANCED HSSR -1807102100[/link]
[link=http://www.agony-unleashed.com/index.php?/topic/12728-fullpvp-covops-nov-28-1800-venue-changeread/]COVOPS - 281101800[/link]
[link=http://www.agony-unleashed.com/index.php?/topic/16195-closed-stealth-bombers-20111119-2000/]Stealth Bombers 20111119[/link]
Posted Image

#39 Othran


Posted 27 October 2011 - 06:58 PM

The jumpclone stuff is my idea Jon - if people don't like it then no probs. Re Caldak and people "stepping up" - well thats always the way with him. Unless you turn round and say "I can't do that because of ...." then he'll assume you can do it. Saying "I can't do that" to Caldak isn't a big deal. If he thinks you can do it then he'll probably give you a nudge in the right direction, but he won't force you. I'm up for some long-overdue "stepping up" but thats 2+ years down the line from when I met the guy. This is meant to be fun, so no pressure, unless you want to put yourself there. My 2p worth.
Today's word is :

MORAL, adj. Conforming to a local and mutable standard of right. Having the quality of general expediency.

#40 Eomar


Posted 27 October 2011 - 07:28 PM

Caldak, is this an Aussie-TZ Saturday? Hard to tell from your initial post.

#41 Freerunner


Posted 27 October 2011 - 07:38 PM

I would happily assist in pre-positioning assets to join up with the jump clones or med clones. No need to buy stuff in nosec if you can just move it there with a JF and a cyno or two. edit: also, Akjon, combining jump clones and Jump Frog's office network, you can create a jump clone, reset your medical clone, self-destruct, arrive at destination, and then jump back to your newly created jump clone. Easy way to get jump clones out to far flung locations.

#42 ROX Genghis

ROX Genghis

Posted 27 October 2011 - 09:06 PM

Heh, forgot to vote earlier. Just voted and whaddya know: mine is the 50th vote! We officially have critical mass :)

#43 qwertz_fan


Posted 27 October 2011 - 10:18 PM

Count me in for 20:00 start times. Later start times not so much, depends very much on personal schedule though.

#44 Othran


Posted 28 October 2011 - 06:33 AM

Caldak, is this an Aussie-TZ Saturday? Hard to tell from your initial post.

Its evetime (UTC/GMT if you prefer) so sometime Sunday morning to you guys. I assume thats why he said between 20:00 and 24:00 - later start if there's Aussies up for it that day.

My feeling is that we'll probably end up with 22:00 as a favoured start time - seems like the best compromise, west coast US will be 14:00 local time Saturday through to 10:00 Sunday local time East coast Oz.

Edit - unless things have changed then there's never any Aussies online on Friday night (local time) anyway, been in two Aussie corps and Friday night is beer night :)
Today's word is :

MORAL, adj. Conforming to a local and mutable standard of right. Having the quality of general expediency.