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-Video-Faction Warfare Gank Pandemic Legion Titan In Ammamake

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#1 Stalking.Mantis


Posted 18 March 2012 - 01:14 AM

Greetings one and All,

Wanted to share this video from the Amarr/Caldari/Gallente/Minmatar war front.

And The Battle Report From Wolfsbrigade.


#2 starborn


Posted 18 March 2012 - 06:09 AM


PL got cocky and as a result got what they deserved.

On another note, the flashy orange on the overview in the beginning looks nice. I wonder how he de-synced the flashy so it didn't all pulsate at the same time.

#3 Stalking.Mantis


Posted 18 March 2012 - 06:58 AM

Yes they are so bad they killed a PL Titan

#4 t011phr33


Posted 18 March 2012 - 02:30 PM

nice one stalking I bet that was a fun fight. You can hear the excitement in the FCs voice when the erebus was going down. as in this was all worth it :P
“I’m going to find it and I’m going to destroy it. Im not sure how, possibly with dynamite.” – Steve Zissou

#5 Stalking.Mantis


Posted 18 March 2012 - 03:19 PM

Starborn, I just want to clarify something about the target calling in that video to those unfamiliar with these types of fleets. The main voice you hear is the FC of course. The whole fleet hears him talk on Teamspeak. Also another voice you hear is the Dreads or 'caps' wing commander when he talks on teamspeak only the dreads hear him. Another wing commander is assigned for the smart bombers (used to reduce the incoming damage from fighters and bombers from hostile carriers) and nueting battleships meant to cap out hostile carriers to reduce their repping abiity (hence they go down down fast in that video because they have no cap). Again only the 'special assignment' wing hears him when he talks on teamspeak. A third Wing commander is assigned to traditional subcaps and when he speaks only the subcaps in his wing hear him on teamspeak. In other cases you would also have an ECM wing (with their own wing commander) as well as a Logistics Fleet (with their own wing commander giving out orders to logistics not to mention the scouts, cov ops incoming and outgoing cyno wings as well, when they speak only the FC and wing commanders hear them (you wont hear the scouts or covert ops pilots voices in this recording). While it may seem like chaos I assure you when you are assigned a fleet you only hear the Fleet commanders voice and your respective Wing comanders orders. The reason this video included the voices of all wingcomanders shouting out orders to their respective wings was to show how complicated and hectic battle can be thus the need to segregate comms for all. I was a member for Wolfsbrigade for well over a year prior to and after my time in Agony. an I am very proud of those guys. Did I mention all those on the video killing the titan are faction warfare pilots? -Regards

#6 Brititos


Posted 18 March 2012 - 03:27 PM

Mantis, setting up that on TS must be a nightmare
But seriously, avoid PB, it's nothing but a headache with 8 alliances trying to blue each other and pew pew each other as well... bloody mess

#7 Itkovian Beddict

Itkovian Beddict

Posted 18 March 2012 - 03:45 PM

TS is a nightmare.

#8 Crazy Vania

Crazy Vania

Posted 18 March 2012 - 09:16 PM

Hey Mantis, if you are in the militia, can you tell me what's going on over there ? Since it's amamake you probably duke it out between minmatar and amarr when PL isn't there blobbing the shit out of everyone. How is it going ? How does the cosmic balance look like, between the respective militias ? At least for the amarr/minmatar front . Is it completely borked now because of alliances joining ? Or is there still some old school race vs race going on.
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#9 Mujen


Posted 18 March 2012 - 11:15 PM

saw the video real cool. One of these days I'll get on a titan KM. Also interested in answers to Vania's question. I didn't realize alliances could join.

#10 Aluchem


Posted 18 March 2012 - 11:23 PM

Hey Mantis, if you are in the militia, can you tell me what's going on over there ? Since it's amamake you probably duke it out between minmatar and amarr when PL isn't there blobbing the shit out of everyone. How is it going ? How does the cosmic balance look like, between the respective militias ? At least for the amarr/minmatar front . Is it completely borked now because of alliances joining ? Or is there still some old school race vs race going on.

In regards to your question Vania:

Minmatar/Gallente/Caldari/Amarr Militia are a bunch of blobbing whore's who always bring way more than is necessary and never engage on even terms.

Now depending on what militia you belong to cross out the appropriate factions :P
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Back 5 minutes, already causing trouble
- Dybbuch

#11 Stalking.Mantis


Posted 19 March 2012 - 05:37 AM

Militia are a bunch of blobbing whore's who always bring way more than is necessary and never engage on even terms.

Yes this is strongly evidenced in the video above.

#12 Othran


Posted 19 March 2012 - 08:32 AM

Very nicely done. -1 Erebus on permanent scan in Amamake B)
Today's word is :

MORAL, adj. Conforming to a local and mutable standard of right. Having the quality of general expediency.

#13 ToranBrades


Posted 19 March 2012 - 09:06 AM

Yes this is strongly evidenced in the video above.

Alu was just messing with you/anybody reading, Stalking. No serious offense meant, I am sure.

Feel still free to give Vania further insight into the world of FW...

#14 Stalking.Mantis


Posted 19 March 2012 - 09:34 AM

It is OK Faction Warfare pilots are very used to the ongoing sterio types embedded into the average nullsec player. In fact if anything it works in our favour as I have seen time and time again nullsec players comedown to lowsec to pvp and learn that pvp in lowsec is much more advanced. As far as Vanias quistion. Well from what I can tell you: Yes alliances have been allowed to join FW but it has not yet had that deep of an impact on the day to day pvp actions. Certainly many made nose in the EVE-O forums about how it might break FW but then again when has CCP ever made a change to something without massive forum protests in one way or another. On the Caldari Front the Caldari spirit has been very low as of late as the lack of an organized corporation to shoulder the leadersship of that faction after the void left by the departure of Wolfsbrigade. This was continuing for some time and sadly the Caldari has the biggest number of useless alts made to farm FW missions. Leaving the actual number of pilots that PVP on a regular basis very low. This has made inter militia co operation between both the Amarr and Caldari more apparent as the Amarr lend a helping hand when they can. On the Amarr Front the numbers of the Amarr active pilots are the lowest of all the militias but the Amarr make up for this by having the highest SP pilots with the most experience. Leaving most Amarr pilots worth 4 or five Minmatar pilots. (no slanted opinion here just the facts as I see them while fighting for the amarr). On the Minmatar front the numbers of pilots are very strong indeed with more than five or six corporations I can think of that boast strong numbers for most timezones. If the Amarr have the skill advantage the minmatar have the number advantage. Which always makes for an ebb and flow in the battles between both sides. On the Gallente front the numbers are cleary on the side of the Gallente in the Caldari Gallente conflict. While most pilots from the gallente are average to good some very bright PVP stars exist in the gallente fold. The Gallente also have some very organized corporations such as Shadows of the Federation (the ones in the video with Wolfsbrigade) and QCATS to name the main two. As always the world of FW is small gang heaven and plex fights is non stop pvp if you know where to plex. Great fun. By the way I miss flying with you all and miss the good old days of Syndicate hope you are all doing well. I will always owe a debt to Agony for teaching me not to be afraid to PvP solo or in a gang and be so much better. Also the aptly named 'Agony' Raptor (MSE defender missles and damage control) has been every drakes nightmare here in lowsec as of late. Wish all my best and a hearty warm salute from lowsec. -Stalking Mantis

#15 ToranBrades


Posted 19 March 2012 - 10:20 AM

Just curious me - to what extent (if at all) do FW fleets adhere to RP stuff like "Caldari fly Caldari ships"? Or is the choice of a FW faction (in reality) just choosing a side and "home area", but has nothing do with ships? I know, bloody noob FW knowledge question ;)

#16 Crazy Vania

Crazy Vania

Posted 19 March 2012 - 10:56 AM

Thank you Mantis :) I think saying "1 amarr pilot worth 5 minmatar" is a bit -- ahem -- simplifying and generalizing but good to see there is some balance :) And I completely expect a faction member to be partial to his faction, don't worry :P Toran: as far as I remember, only an amarr corp named Pie does that and they are all but disappeared from the map.
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#17 Othran


Posted 19 March 2012 - 01:43 PM

Just curious me - to what extent (if at all) do FW fleets adhere to RP stuff like "Caldari fly Caldari ships"? Or is the choice of a FW faction (in reality) just choosing a side and "home area", but has nothing do with ships? I know, bloody noob FW knowledge question ;)

Its limited to the roleplaying corps/alliances - eg people like PIE/Star Fraction/Electus Matari/etc. I'm not aware of any significant roleplaying corps on the Gallente/Caldari front but they may well exist.

Most people just fly whatever does the job/is FoTM.

Oh and apart from a few diehards (like Sasawong - edit someone asked "who?" so http://eve.battlecli...r&name=sasawong), nobody on the Minmatar side of things were much interested in FW plexing, tends to go cyclical anyway.

There's an awful lot of mission whores on the Minmatar side IME, mainly since the FW minnie missions are utterly trivial. I had to bump an alt's faction standing up and was quite surprised to find that a 5 mill character could earn 60mill/hour with maybe 40 minutes of that hour being travel time. Zero risk and I do mean zero - missions usually take under 3 minutes.
Today's word is :

MORAL, adj. Conforming to a local and mutable standard of right. Having the quality of general expediency.

#18 Stalking.Mantis


Posted 19 March 2012 - 09:03 PM

Thank you Mantis :) I think saying "1 amarr pilot worth 5 minmatar" is a bit -- ahem -- simplifying and generalizing but good to see there is some balance :) And I completely expect a faction member to be partial to his faction, don't worry :P

I don't know Vania. You tell me. )

#19 Stalking.Mantis


Posted 19 March 2012 - 09:18 PM

Just curious me - to what extent (if at all) do FW fleets adhere to RP stuff like "Caldari fly Caldari ships"? Or is the choice of a FW faction (in reality) just choosing a side and "home area", but has nothing do with ships? I know, bloody noob FW knowledge question ;)

To be honest Toran it is not about RP as much as loyalty points and training. For example when I started training I trained for caldari ships (the race of my toon) and more often than not would have access to lot's of loyalty points from the State prtectorate offering me Caldari Navy ships at a discount. Ships like the hookbill and navy caracal came cheap so many caldari pilots skilled up and modified their tactics to those ships. Minmatar for example have easy access to stabber fleet issues and firetails thus many would fly those. Amarr have access to cheap slicers and navy omens . It is not a case a Roleplaying as much as syncing the skills towards the ships you have access to the most.

But at the end of the day as vania pointed out it boils down to what you can fly and what you are good flying in. Your chosen loyalty makes little to no difference in choosing what to fly. It is more of a personal preference and skill related.

#20 Crazy Vania

Crazy Vania

Posted 19 March 2012 - 10:34 PM

I am not convinced. I see a three man Amarrian fleet killing a bunch, maybe 5-6 random idiotic minmatars and then finally get killed by an Electus Matari small gang. The method there was probably one I've already lost ships to, which is a very smart play based on tanking with vengeances, and killing with retributions, which can make you win against a significant superior amount of small, expensive faction frigs. Nevertheless, using one video to try to deny that good pilots and bad pilots exist on both sides is deluded. Maybe the amarrian side has more good people, less bad people. But let me assure you that, statistically, it is impossible for your side to have zero noobs :)
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