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Thrasher fit question for wolfpacks

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#26 Othran


Posted 16 August 2010 - 09:46 PM

So yea, the second fitting is good, but only if you mandate that everyone who signs up must have the skills to fly it. Which isn't necessarily a bad idea in general, but for this particular class it's probably a bit too late to tighten the prereqs since a lot of people have already signed up. It could also raise the barrier of entry to the point where the beginner players (whom this class is mostly intended for) won't be able to join. I suppose it will be easier to tell once we see what people will bring to the actual class.

But replacing the gyro with a tracking enhancer could be a good idea for the T1 fit. It would lower the in-your-face alpha, but bring the Carbonized Lead optimal closer to Tremor. It will still do pretty crap damage, but at least it will hit. I believe track enhancers have lower CPU requirements too...

Well not really. The 280mm TE2 fit above is a superset of the 250mm fits Skrewed posted. If you have the skills to fit it then its more than likely you have superior tracking skills also. In summary you can hit what most of the 250mm boys & girls can hit up close, you can also start taking down incoming inties earlier - all up to FC what he wants you to do. Doesn't need everyone to fly it at all - the fact you can put a bit more alpha on a target further away shouldn't be an issue :)

I wouldn't put a TE2 on T1 stuff. Not worth it, best to stick with gyro for damage/rof. CPU fitting reqs are a lot lower but if its a T1 fit they're not exactly difficult for a 250mm fit anyway - PG is going to be the issue for most people.
Today's word is :

MORAL, adj. Conforming to a local and mutable standard of right. Having the quality of general expediency.

#27 AkJon Ferguson

AkJon Ferguson

Posted 29 August 2010 - 07:40 AM

Might as well throw my belated 'dream fit' out there (need AWU IV.) With my skills, hits at 53+15 for 975. With all V, hits for 993. A fleet of these in the right hands would win EVE. But a handful of these on tomorrow's roam really would be out of place. Mixing ranges on ships in a fleet (that's warping and moving together) is kinda like mixing guns, especially when this has no tank and relies on tactics (hit and run) to survive. [Thrasher, PVP Thrasher] Tracking Enhancer II Gyrostabilizer II Cold-Gas I Arcjet Thrusters Sensor Booster II, Targeting Range Sensor Booster II, Scan Resolution 280mm Howitzer Artillery II, Tremor S 280mm Howitzer Artillery II, Tremor S 280mm Howitzer Artillery II, Tremor S 280mm Howitzer Artillery II, Tremor S 280mm Howitzer Artillery II, Tremor S 280mm Howitzer Artillery II, Tremor S 280mm Howitzer Artillery II, Tremor S Small Ancillary Current Router I Small Ancillary Current Router I Small Projectile Locus Coordinator I Implants: SX-1 ZGC100 CX-1 I guess you could lose the AB and fit another sensor booster. That frees up a rig slot too, allowing you to fit a low friction nozzle joint to align faster. Imagine a whole fleet continuously bouncing off a rolling safe and a cov ops warp-in, shredding a fleet that's (virtually) unable to lock them. That's the kind of creativity (or something better) I was kinda hoping to hear today.
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