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#1 Skrewed


Posted 27 June 2009 - 10:04 PM

Please let us know what your thoughts about the class were, both good and bad. Instructors: Dr Oozy, TeaDaze, SkrewedUp FC: Caldak Scout Master: Alar As graduates you may join our future wolfpacks classes as alumni for free (if there's room). We're also doing a PVP-Advanced class in August that really takes the concepts from basic and wolfpacks to a whole new level.

#2 Sanfrey


Posted 27 June 2009 - 11:49 PM

Scanning part is win; on grid bookmark 150k bug is now pretty well known and needs to be acknowledged sadly; vent restriction is now beyond a joke; Instructors were really good!; Caldak's got good control but some actual orders not as clear as I'd like. Moar targets! Stupid pure blind PS didn't mean that to sound too negative Caldak - I'm comparing you with experienced NC FCs and people like Bamar, a comparison I wouldn't try to make of myself so stand proud dude!

Wow my classes were so long ago the link stopped working. Look I took a bunch of them ok? It was a long time ago. Just trust me on it.
Radioactive cats have 18 half lives. (Unless in a box, in which case they have half a chance of having no half lives.) 

#3 Marites Camates

Marites Camates
  • PipPip

Posted 28 June 2009 - 01:36 AM

Another outstanding class. I learned a lot again. Even learned about what happens when you have a leaker in your midst.
[link=http://www.agony-unleashed.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?126760]Basic - 2305091800[/link]
Posted Image

#4 nelyna


Posted 28 June 2009 - 01:51 AM

Two thumbs up! Definitely a lot more "meat" than BASIC. Hope to keep learning more in the future!
Posted Image
[link=http://www.agony-unleashed.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?131367]BASIC[/link] | [link=http://www.agony-unleashed.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?135781]WOLFPACKS[/link]

#5 Ryvvek


Posted 28 June 2009 - 02:00 AM

The stuff about Bookmarks was a real eye-opener. I seem to have weird luck since both of the classes I've atttended have been 'different' from the average classes. It's definately been fun though. Thanks to all the instructors for their work. Also thanks to the skirmishers and scouts who weren't leaking scumbags.
[link=http://www.agony-unleashed.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?131367]BASIC[/link] | [link=http://www.agony-unleashed.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?135781]WOLFPACKS[/link] | [link=http://www.agony-unleashed.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?137880]ADVANCED[/link]

#6 Carnagerose

  • PipPip

Posted 28 June 2009 - 02:21 AM

Good class, learned alot about making TACs
Carnagerose - Carnagerose (OBE.I)
[link=http://www.agony-unleashed.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?131367]BASIC - 0606091800[/link]

#7 Carenthor Loon

Carenthor Loon

Posted 28 June 2009 - 02:22 AM

on grid bookmark 150k bug is now pretty well known and needs to be acknowledged sadly

OT but what's that?

Oh and your re-application seems to have become lost in the interwebs somewhere - could you post it again? :-p
EVE is a dark and harsh world, you're supposed to feel a bit worried and slightly angry when you log in
CCP Wrangler

#8 Killswitch


Posted 28 June 2009 - 02:32 AM

Was an awesome and great time, and the biggest fight that I have ever been in. Simply a badass time...all I can say.
[link=http://www.agony-unleashed.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?134154.0]BASIC - 1906092100
[/link] [link=http://www.agony-unleashed.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?135781]WOLFPACKS-200906271800[/link]

#9 Caldak


Posted 28 June 2009 - 03:37 AM

Loved you guys working with the leak we had in Fleet. Missed out on some targets but we did have a good fight here and there. The Co-Ops guys did well, lots of systems covered. Lack of targets is what can happen. As you seen, having more than 1 FC is a must. On a whole a good class. (Over 7 Regions covered) All the same we got. BattleShips - 6 Stealth Bombers - 4 T2 Heavy Assault - 3 Other - 3

Anne Bonney, a notorious pirate in her own right, told her husband, Calico Jack Bonney, as he was captured by pirate hunters,
“if you'd have fought like a man you needn't hang like a dog”.

Done some class's

#10 Spurius

  • PipPip

Posted 28 June 2009 - 04:04 AM

As always a big thanks to all Agony members that participated in the class. The bookmark practical was my take of the day. The explanation on how make the different tactical was very enlightening, not only on how to make them and use them but how they can be used against me by other pilots. The roam was fun. We were kind of disorganized at the beginning and we missed a couple of targets and there was a time when Caldak was consistently interrupted by recon reports. I appreciate the effort and the great job the covop class did, maybe a little extra emphasis on battlecoms. My guess is that it probably was an instance of performance anxiety, especially if they didn't have too much experience doing recon reports and suddenly have to do it to such a large gang (of complete strangers to boot). The multi battleship engagement was pretty fun, first time I was able to disengage to avoid being destroyed even if it was only to come back and get killed :P. also taking 5 battleships down in a span of 6 mins is pretty good in my book. (poor Fremen Sietch, I wonder if they ever imagined when they woke up today they were going to lose so many big ships to a bunch of little dessies ;) ) The first ambush was also a valuable learning experience and congrats to Laurentius (sp) to be able to salvage a good part of the gang. the cat and mouse game at the end of the roams was also entraining in a different way; Listening on the reports on 3 gangs moving and trying to catch each other at a weak point was pretty interesting, too bad it was us that were cast on the role of the mouse :P. It was a fun day and a pretty interesting roam, 6 bs and 3 hacs down means that we were so a ahead of the isk war that the whole gang had to be totally wiped out, several times to even things out.
[link=http://www.agony-unleashed.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?131367]BASIC - 0606091800[/link]

#11 Gata

  • PipPip

Posted 28 June 2009 - 07:10 AM

Another great class and roam. Many thanks to all Agony and CoverOp pilots for making both class and roam possible. The section on tactical bookmarking alone is worth atleast the cost of this course already. Not only did I learned how to effectively setup tac BM, Dr. Ooze's demonstrations also provided insight on how to safely navigate in hostile space. Our roam did had a rough start and we learned how quickly situation may deteriorates with the lack of intel and improper use of battlecom. Many in fleet were damaged and a number of us were taken out by a quick succession of bombs early in roam. Caldak's leadership and assertivenss allowed everyone in fleet to recollect and start the roam anew. Our engagement with multiple battleships was the highlight of the roam for me. I was quite surprised on how effective destroyers can engaged and bring down several well-fitted battleship with such relative ease. I'm also amazed at the rate and amount of damage a T1 fitted destroyer can deal to T2-fitted battleship. Lastly, how quickly a battleship chews through DD's weak shield/armor. Unexpectedly I had to leave fleet at the end of our multi-BS engagement and travel back to highsec, with no shield or armor and hull at 41%. I ended up putting much of what I've learned in class to good use. Travelling through a dozen or so low/nullsec systems solo, I encountered 2 hunting parties and a gate camp. Applying principles learned on tactical bookmarking, I managed to shake lose my pursuers. In addition, those same techniques kept me from being caught by disruption bubbles and gate camp. :P Looking foward to future classes and love to join roams as alumnus.
[link=http://www.agony-unleashed.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?131367]BASIC - 0606091800[/link]
[link=http://www.agony-unleashed.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?135781]WOLFPACKS - 200906271800[/link]

#12 Penork Nif

Penork Nif

Posted 28 June 2009 - 07:16 AM

I got good value from tactical bookmark setup, unfortunately not long after my 'passport' got unexpectedly revoked, as we have twin babies who synchronise now & again. Will definitely sign for wolfpacks again to stay for roam, was also planning to do advanced class end July, not sure whether or not I covered enough content, maybe an instructor could give an opinion. Either way, enjoyed the class & learned a great deal in the first 3 hours, fantastic value :P

#13 Dr oozy

Dr oozy

Posted 28 June 2009 - 07:55 AM

Unexpectedly I had to leave fleet at the end of our multi-BS engagement and travel back to highsec, with no shield or armor and hull at 41%. I ended up putting much of what I've learned in class to good use. Travelling through a dozen or so low/nullsec systems solo, I encountered 2 hunting parties and a gate camp. Applying principles learned on tactical bookmarking, I managed to shake lose my pursuers. In addition, those same techniques kept me from being caught by disruption bubbles and gate camp. :P

Good going! nice to see you putting it all to good use so soon :D Its not about the value of the ship, its denying them the chance to kill you that makes it all worth while hehe.

And thanks to everyone for the feedback we do appreciate it all good or bad.

#14 DeepBlue


Posted 28 June 2009 - 09:23 AM

I missed the first half of class (RL snafu - sorry!!). Use of TACs and the power of the TAM was great, but I missed the practical, scanning section was very useful for me. Some more hide and seek would be great, but I guess time is limited. Great roam, I also had to drop in x-7o after the l-t BS massacre, great job Caldak, particularly with the way you gripped the start and made it all good - I think quite a few people got value out of that.

#15 Othran


Posted 28 June 2009 - 09:49 AM

Othran logged in K5 and this morning K5->X-M is camped, X-M->FD is camped and PF-346 has bubbles on both gates. Syndicate never changes. Don't hold your breath about getting your Stiletto back Loon :D Edit - got through PF-346 to Orvolle when they dropped the bubble so looks like you're getting it back Loon :)
Today's word is :

MORAL, adj. Conforming to a local and mutable standard of right. Having the quality of general expediency.

#16 Gathoni

  • PipPip

Posted 28 June 2009 - 11:22 AM

Quality teaching, much better than my basic. The use of several instructors, taking turns, was very helpful. Each was fresh and brought energy to things. A reminder on what to do about bombs might be useful. I remember smart bombs being covered in Basic, but not Bombs. What can a destroyer/frigate do, besides hope the FC gets the fleet out? Very eye-opening as always and the replacement ships were very classy. I thought my night was over and a few minutes later I was back in the saddle. I was one of several caught in a bubble, yet the previous trainings on what to do and how to move in 0.0 allowed me to escape and, eventually, re-join the fleet. Until that point I was not sure I was learning, as just doing what the FC tells you is not really that hard. However, those 10 minutes getting out of the bubble and being alone showed me that your teaching had sunk in. Only one suggestion for the FC. If you have a number of pods in system and you are leaving, it is worth telling them when to jump to you for the exit. I know that while the fight is on the pods just have to do what they can, but once the exit from system is on, they should be explicitly told.
BASIC - 1403091800
ADVANCED - 200907251800

#17 Marduk

  • Pip

Posted 28 June 2009 - 11:26 AM

Awesome course, and great leadersip during roam! I should have asked early about what to do when getting podded. I wrongly rushed back to Nonni and came back with a new destroyer instead of staying at system :sad: . On my way back to the X-7 gate it was heavily camped, but thanks to great teaching i had patiently scanned ahead before warping to the gate and hid out at planets until it was cleared, and i managed to regroup. Had a blast, hats off for Agony!
[link=http://www.agony-unleashed.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?131367]BASIC - 0606091800[/link]

#18 Barrak


Posted 28 June 2009 - 12:12 PM

KER-CLUNK......... Thats the sound of many little things falling into place. As an Agony member studying for his first certs, this course was amazing. Having roamed with Caldak and co a few times I kind of knew what to expect (to a certain degree) but I had my peice of paper to hand and was literaly ticking the boxes off as we went along. The theory was well presented and though covering a large amount of information, was very digestable. The practical was ..... interesting. It was frustrating initialy as there was a lack of discapline, however that was dealt with and then of course there was the spy which meant that the instructions were a little mixed and late coming, however the benefit of that was that it kept you on your toes. Though I am still very much a beginer in the world of PvP, I would imagine that the late calls, the mixed (slightly) instructions are probably a more accurate depiction of real PvP. The practical was well led by Caldak and Laurentus grabbed hold of it very well when it was needed. Sadly I had to log at around 3.30am and I had lost my ship early in the battleship engagement due to not being able to warp (bubble was up and I was exactly in the middle (at least it felt that way)). So I wasn't to involved in the battle, though, that doesn't bother me to much as I get to fly with you guys all the time..... Go Agony!!!!!! Recomendations: 1. I felt a level of proffessionalism was missing from this course over the basic, however, I beleive this was due to the lack of discapline and the presence of a spy. 2. I think that it should be laid out very clearly to the students prior to starting any material or roams that: A) The expectations of the students is way beyond basic. B) The instructors will curse and swear at you if you do not listen. C) Discapline needs to be maintained throughout the whole of the course. eg - there were many posts into local last night and some even from Agony members. D) There should be clear instructions prior to the roam or prior to each (planned battle) for Pods. Other than that.......... sign me up for COVOPS or ADANCED!!! ps......... holy crap.... didn't things melt quick! Regards Barrak
Spaceship Command: Frigate - Cal/Gal/Min 5 | Cruiser - Cal 5 | Battleship - Cal 5 | Destoyers 5 | COVOPS 4 | Interceptor - 5 | Assault Ships 5 | Battle Cruiser 4 | Interdictors 4
If it looks like I can fly something you need, please just ask.

[link=http://www.agony-unleashed.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?131367]BASIC - 0606091800[/link]
[link=http://www.agony-unleashed.com///e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?135781]WOLFPACKS - 200906271800[/link]
[link=http://www.agony-unleashed.com//e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?137880]ADVANCED - 200907251800[/link]

#19 Yanna Karr

Yanna Karr
  • Pip

Posted 28 June 2009 - 12:30 PM

Great course, I learned much more than in Basic. The section on tactical bookmarking, insta-undocks and station punting was the best part for me. Loved the roam too - the fleet did a great job on remote repping after the first bomb assault (and I pitched in with my armor rep drone, of course). The ship replacements in 0.0 were astonishing - I did not need it myself, but great job Agony! I think the scouting/skirmishing part was a bit worse than on the Basic roam, but with legions of newbies to covops scouting, that is to be expected. I also feel that we spent too much time around obvious traps - both in the beginning, with the SBs, and in the end, with the inside intel hostile fleet. A quick 10-jump move might have served us better. Still, hindsight is always 20-20 and all that :) Thanks again to the instructors, FCs, AU team and the covops pilots - see you at PVP-Advanced!
[link=http://www.agony-unleashed.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?122207]BASIC - 1104091800[/link]
[link=http://www.agony-unleashed.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?135781]WOLFPACKS - 200906271800[/link]

[link=http://www.agony-unleashed.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?137880]ADVANCED - 200907251800[/link]

#20 FU 2

FU 2
  • Pip

Posted 28 June 2009 - 02:56 PM

Great course, I learned much more than in Basic. The section on tactical bookmarking, insta-undocks and station punting was the best part for me.

Loved the roam too - the fleet did a great job on remote repping after the first bomb assault (and I pitched in with my armor rep drone, of course). The ship replacements in 0.0 were astonishing - I did not need it myself, but great job Agony!

I think the scouting/skirmishing part was a bit worse than on the Basic roam, but with legions of newbies to covops scouting, that is to be expected. I also feel that we spent too much time around obvious traps - both in the beginning, with the SBs, and in the end, with the inside intel hostile fleet. A quick 10-jump move might have served us better. Still, hindsight is always 20-20 and all that :)

Thanks again to the instructors, FCs, AU team and the covops pilots - see you at PVP-Advanced!


Thank you Yanna, I couldn't have put it better.

I would just add that this class has show us exactly what was the quality of the scouting/skirmishers of my Basic course.

Waiting for the next course, keep up the fantastic work Agony.
[link=http://www.agony-unleashed.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?131367]BASIC - 0606091800[/link]
[link=http://www.agony-unleashed.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?135781]WOLFPACKS - 200906271800[/link]

#21 Deep Rising

Deep Rising
  • Pip

Posted 28 June 2009 - 03:48 PM

Excellent course! Everything taught in the course is so simple - if only I had thought about BMs properly before I could have saved myself some pennies. :) There doesn't appear to be as much to learn in the WOLFPACKS course as there is in the BASIC. Is that just me? The BASIC felt just right on the amount of content I learned, but in WOLFPACKS I feel that there was not as much. Not that I am complaining, it is just an opinion. Until I get around to the Advanced and CovOps courses, I won't be able to tell you what else might be good in the wolfpacks course instead. I was very disappointed to lose my first dessie within minutes of entering nullsec on the roam. I managed to survive two bombs, but the third finished me off. It was a short, sharp lesson in how fragile dessie fleets can be when grouped too close together, and how vulnerable all fleets are to disloyal fleet mates. ~:( I was very happy to be on many of those killmails from the 6xBS fight, and still flew away with no damage and some T2 mods (if anyone in agony wants them, I can contract them. They are in the X-7 station and are not the type of mods I would use.) Looking forward to the advanced course, but I'm not sure when it will be. When will agony courses start again after the tournament has finished? - Deep.

#22 Jarne Pruus

Jarne Pruus
  • Pip

Posted 28 June 2009 - 09:11 PM

Next course plz :-)
Jarne Pruus - Jarne Pruus (KASPI)

#23 Skrewed


Posted 28 June 2009 - 09:18 PM

Next course plz :-)

PVP-Advanced, instructor and FC will be Bamar, our CEO. :D


#24 Bamar


Posted 28 June 2009 - 11:41 PM

There doesn't appear to be as much to learn in the WOLFPACKS course as there is in the BASIC. Is that just me? The BASIC felt just right on the amount of content I learned, but in WOLFPACKS I feel that there was not as much. Not that I am complaining, it is just an opinion. Until I get around to the Advanced and CovOps courses, I won't be able to tell you what else might be good in the wolfpacks course instead.


Looking forward to the advanced course, but I'm not sure when it will be. When will agony courses start again after the tournament has finished?

I've always seen Wolfpacks as kind of an in-between course. Basic covers a lot of ground, most of it pretty, well, basic. Advanced covers a lot in terms of how to think about pvp, and understanding the whys and hows, rather than just the simple whats covered in Basic. Wolfpacks kind of fills in all the holes left after basic, and starts to introduce a little of the thought process covered in Advanced. So I'd agree that it's kind of "thin" but only because it's the transition point between Basic and Advanced.

Advanced is currently planned for July 25th. We'll likely be taking a month or so off before the tourney to prepare, and then likely take a week or two off after the tourney for some decompression and fun-having. After that though we'll kick things into gear for the fall.
"Stop exploding you cowards!"

#25 Zatkniz

  • Pip

Posted 29 June 2009 - 04:57 AM

I wish I could say that was the first time I've been on a spy infested fleet. :dodge: Caldak handled it very well though. Besides the pew pew, my favorite part of the course was the tac bookmarks, finding out CCP thinks 170 is the new 150, and the tip on how to drain the capacitor. Also found a missing killmail, but I couldn't get the class killboard to accept it. I believe the classmate who got it also had that problem. It was interesting observing the before and after effect between our first brief outing and the real one, in terms of managing a bunch of unfamiliar scouts from the cov-ops class into an effective tool.
[link=http://www.agony-unleashed.com//e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?134154]BASIC - 1906092100[/link]