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Registering for other people?

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#1 Urichura


Posted 12 March 2010 - 08:56 PM

I'm totally psyched that there's finally a PVP-Advanced class coming! But since the signup starts at the end of the wolfpacks roam, which is very late for some of my European corpmates, I was wondering if it's OK to sign up for other people? I saw the note about having only 1 sign up per post, but is it OK to post 3 times for 3 different people using one login? They all have their own logins of course and our alliance is paying for the class. Uri

#2 Skrewed


Posted 12 March 2010 - 09:08 PM

Sign-ups should be one per login and only for that login. Thus your mates need to sign-up themselves. Advanced classes don't fill as quickly either.

#3 Nathair Nimheil

Nathair Nimheil
  • PipPip

Posted 14 March 2010 - 03:37 AM

Sign-ups should be one per login and only for that login. Thus your mates need to sign-up themselves.

Then perhaps you might consider having a specific time the "first come best dressed" threads open. It's a bit hard for some of us to balance rl and the need to just keep waiting around as a "2.5-3.5 hour roam" runs 4.5 hours, then 5.5 hours, then... I dunno how long it'll be, still waiting.

#4 Azual


Posted 14 March 2010 - 08:43 AM

Sign-ups should be one per login and only for that login. Thus your mates need to sign-up themselves.

Then perhaps you might consider having a specific time the "first come best dressed" threads open. It's a bit hard for some of us to balance rl and the need to just keep waiting around as a "2.5-3.5 hour roam" runs 4.5 hours, then 5.5 hours, then... I dunno how long it'll be, still waiting.

We do, that's standard practice.

I wasn't around last night, I assume the thread opened late? If so I apologise, I understand your frustration. I'll have a word with people to make sure this doesn't happen again.
Ex-Director of PVP-Uni, Eve Blogger and author of The Altruist
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